How to Build a Stopwatch Timer using React Hooks
November 17, 2020
Code along tutorial on how to make a stopwatch timer with React hooks. Learn how to make a timer similar to one you would use on a smart phone. Great starter project for learning React basics, hooks, and the setInterval method.
Code for the project is included below:
React Code
import React from "react";
import './App.css'
const App = () => {
const [time, setTime] = React.useState(0);
const [timerOn, setTimerOn] = React.useState(false);
React.useEffect(() => {
let interval = null;
if (timerOn) {
interval = setInterval(() => {
setTime((prevTime) => prevTime + 10);
}, 10);
} else if (!timerOn) {
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [timerOn]);
return (
<div className="Timers">
<div id="display">
<span>{("0" + Math.floor((time / 60000) % 60)).slice(-2)}:</span>
<span>{("0" + Math.floor((time / 1000) % 60)).slice(-2)}:</span>
<span>{("0" + ((time / 10) % 100)).slice(-2)}</span>
<div id="buttons">
{!timerOn && time === 0 && (
<button onClick={() => setTimerOn(true)}>Start</button>
{timerOn && <button onClick={() => setTimerOn(false)}>Stop</button>}
{!timerOn && time > 0 && (
<button onClick={() => setTime(0)}>Reset</button>
{!timerOn && time > 0 && (
<button onClick={() => setTimerOn(true)}>Resume</button>
export default App;
CSS Styles
.Timers {
width: 180px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
#display {
margin-bottom: 20px;
#display span {
font-size: 36px;
#buttons button:nth-child(2) {
margin-left: 8px;
button {
font-size: 16px;
background-color: rgb(217, 60, 35);
color: #fff;
border-radius: 8px;
border: none;
padding: 6px 12px;
cursor: pointer;
button:hover {
background-color: rgb(173, 47, 28);
button:active {
background-color: rgb(130, 35, 21);
button:focus {
outline: 0;
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